In this article, we will create and apply the blur effect to the Image control using .NET MAUI behaviors.
The effect allows the blurring of out-of-focus parts of an image. It is usually used in portrait photos.
For this article, I use a .NET MAUI combination of filename-based multi-targeting and folder-based multi-targeting. For more information, see Combine filename and folder multi-targeting.
Let's start by creating a new BlurBehavior.cs
Now we need to implement our BlurBehavior for each platform.
Create BlurBehavior.Android.cs
In Android 12, Google introduced the RenderEffect API. This enables developers to effortlessly apply graphic effects such as blurs, color filters, and more to Views.
Create BlurBehavior.iOS.cs
Create BlurBehavior.Windows.cs
Finally, apply behavior to our image:
As a result, you should receive such app:
The full code with different effects can be found on GitHub.
Happy coding!