Creating beautiful image effects using .NET MAUI

Creating beautiful image effects using .NET MAUI

10 July 2022

.NET MAUI/Xamarin

Buy Me A Coffee


In this article, we will create and apply the blur effect to the Image control using .NET MAUI behaviors.

The effect allows the blurring of out-of-focus parts of an image. It is usually used in portrait photos.

For this article, I use a .NET MAUI combination of filename-based multi-targeting and folder-based multi-targeting. For more information, see Combine filename and folder multi-targeting.

Let's start by creating a new BlurBehavior.cs file:

Now we need to implement our BlurBehavior for each platform.


Create BlurBehavior.Android.cs:

In Android 12, Google introduced the RenderEffect API. This enables developers to effortlessly apply graphic effects such as blurs, color filters, and more to Views.


Create BlurBehavior.iOS.cs:


Create BlurBehavior.Windows.cs:

Finally, apply behavior to our image:

As a result, you should receive such app:


The full code with different effects can be found on GitHub.

Happy coding!

Buy Me A Coffee


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